IBM M2090-821 exam actual questions Passtcert

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Share some Sales Mastery M2090-821 exam questions and answers below.
Which database offering is designed for analytics and integrates seamlessly with Cloudant? 
A. Bluemix 
B. dashDB 
C. Biginsights 
D. Data Works 
Answer: B

Which statement accurately describes the language support offered in Watson Analytics? 
A. Libraries must be downloaded ahead of time before Watson Analytics can support a non-English language 
B. Watson Analytics supports data in English only today 
C. Watson Analytics supports data in multiple languages today 
D. Watson Analytics supports data in multiple languages today if the data is prepared with the Refinement step beforehand 
Answer: B

In terms of the three main cloud deployment patterns, Biglnsights for Apache Hadoop would be considered which deployment pattern? 
A. Virtual Machines as a Service (VMaaS) 
B. Infrastructure as a Service (laaS) 
C. Platform as a Service (PaaS) 
D. Software as a Service (SaaS) 
Answer: D

An enterprise is utilizing a cloud computing environment in which the infrastructure resides on the premises of the client, and a service provider manages the cloud infrastructure. 
What is the name of this cloud deployment model? 
A. Hosted Private Cloud 
B. Managed Private Cloud 
C. Hybrid Cloud 
D. Public Cloud 
Answer: B

You have an opportunity to sell dashDB to a client for an analytics project that is strategic to a marketing campaign that needs to happen as soon as possible. You present and discuss the use of dashDB with Cheryl from IT, Jim who is the marketing Line of Business manager and John in procurement. 
Which user would be considered a new buyer that gives you the best chance of a successful sale and who you should focus your attention on? 
A. John in Procurement 
B. Cheryl from IT 
C. Jim, the Line of Business manager 
D. The CFO 
Answer: B

Through the proof of many IT professionals who have use Passtcert products, Passtcert is very reliable for you. Generally, if you use Passtcert targeted IBM M2090-821 exam actual questions, you can 100% pass IBM certification M2090-821 exam. Maybe the next successful people in the IT industry is you.If you are looking for a good learning site that can help you to pass the IBM M2090-821 exam, Passtcert is the best choice.


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