Passtcert ECCouncil 312-49v9 study guides pdf

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On Passtcert website you can free download part of the ECCouncil 312-49v9 study guides pdf to quiz our reliability. Passtcert products can 100% put you onto a success away, then the pinnacle of IT is a step closer to you.In the such a brilliant era of IT industry in the 21st century competition is very fierce. Naturally, EC-Council certification 312-49v9 exam has become a very popular exam in the IT area. When you select to use Passtcert ECCouncil 312-49v9 study guides pdf, you have set the first foot on the peak of the IT industry and the way to your dream is one step closer.

Share some CHFI 312-49v9 exam questions and answers below.
Windows Security Accounts Manager (SAM) is a registry file which stores passwords in a hashed format.SAM file in Windows is located at: 
A. C:windowssystem32configSAM 
B. C:windowssystem32conSAM 
C. C:windowssystem32BootSAM 
D. C:windowssystem32driversSAM 
Answer: A

Network forensics allows Investigators to inspect network traffic and logs to identify and locate the attack system Network forensics can reveal: (Select three answers) 
A. Source of security incidents’ and network attacks 
B. Path of the attack 
C. Intrusion techniques used by attackers 
D. Hardware configuration of the attacker's system 
Answer: A, B, C

Which of the following commands shows you the NetBIOS name table each? 
A. nbtstat -n 
B. nbtstat -c 
C. nbtstat -r 
D. nbtstat -s 
Answer: A

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