Huawei HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU real exam questions Passtcert

There are many ways to help you prepare for your Huawei H13-531-ENU exam. Passtcert provide reliable Huawei HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU real exam questions to help you prepare for your Huawei H13-531-ENU exam certification. The Passtcert Huawei HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU real exam questions are including test questions and answers. Our materials are very good sofeware that through the practice test. Our materials will meet all of theIT certifications.Huawei certification H13-531-ENU exams has a pivotal position in the IT industry, and I believe that a lot of IT professionals agree with it.

Share some HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU exam questions and answers below.
In Huawei FusionAccess DaaS system multi-tenant mode, if sharing a license server, which of the following description is correct? (Multiple choice) 
A. It is recommended that the operator's management network be isolated from the tenant network 
B. ITA, HDC and WI need to enable dual-NIC, and the license server is in the same network 
C. Each tenant can have a separate VLAN or multiple tenants are divided into the same VLAN 
D. The tenant can monopolize ITA, WI/HDC/DB, AD/DNS/DHCP, have separate VLAN, do not share with other tenants 
Answer: ACD

Huawei ManageOne fuses VPC in the resources pool scene, If using routed network, which of the following prerequisites are required? (Multiple choice) 
A. The switch allows the VLAN to pass through 
B. An external network has been created and the subnet is configured 
C. VPC has applied for a router 
D. need to manually configure the gateways and routes 
Answer: ABC

Which of the following environments does FusionStorage support and provide block storage services? (Multiple choice) 
A. Support and provide block storage services for the FusionSphere environment. 
B. Support and provide block storage services for VMware environments. 
C. Support and provide block storage services for the KVM-based virtualized OpenStack cloud environment. 
D. Support and provide block storage services for traditional non-virtualized scenarios, such as Oracle RAC traditional physical machine deployment. 
Answer: ABCD

Creating a boot virtual machine on FusionCompute fails, which of the following method can be used to fix the problem? (Multiple choice) 
A. Repair the host to manage the network link 
B. Leave the host out of maintenance mode 
C. Check the remaining memory space to ensure that there is sufficient storage space 
D. Recreate and Start a virtual machine with the same specification 
Answer: ABC

Which of the following steps are involved in the migration process for Huawei FusionSphere services? 
A. Migration assessment 
B. Program design 
C. Migration implementation 
D. Migration and acceptance 
Answer: ABCD

You feel the exam is demanding is because that you do not choose a good method. Select the Passtcert Huawei HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU real exam questions, then you will hold the hand of success, and never miss it.Now IT industry is more and more competitive. Passing Huawei H13-531-ENU exam certification can effectively help you entrench yourself and enhance your status in this competitive IT area. In our Passtcert you can get the related Huawei HCIE-Cloud H13-531-ENU real exam questions.
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