Cisco Certification 200-310 DESGN questions answers pdf Passtcert

Some people who used our Cisco Certification 200-310 DESGN questions answers pdf to pass the IT certification exam to become a Passtcert repeat customers. Passtcert can provide the leading Cisco training techniques to help you pass Cisco certification 200-310 exam.Cisco 200-310 is a certification exam to test IT professional knowledge. Passtcert is a website which can help you quickly pass the Cisco certification 200-310 exams.

Share some CCDA 200-310 exam questions and answers below.
Which two routing protocols converge most quickly? (Choose two.) 
A. RIPv1 
B. RIPv2 
Answer: D,E

What phase of Cisco's PPDIOO is the final test of the appropriateness of the design? 
A. Operate 
B. Optimize 
C. Design 
D. Implement 
Answer: A

Which Cisco Wireless LAN Controller interface is used for out-of-band management? 
A. service port 
B. management port 
C. controller port 
D. virtual port 
Answer: A

When there is a need for immunity to EMI for connecting locations that are greater than 100 meters apart, which two solutions can be utilized? (Choose two.) 
A. multimode fiber 
B. Fibre Channel 
C. HVDC transmission lines 
D. single-mode fiber 
E. serial RS-232 
F. Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-CX 
Answer: A,D

Which statement is true concerning the data center distribution (aggregation) layer design? 
A. With Layer 3 at the aggregation layer, the physical loops in the topology must still be managed by STP. 
B. The boundary between Layer 2 and Layer 3 must reside in the multilayer switches, independent of any other devices. 
C. A mix of both Layer 2 and Layer 3 access is the most optimal. 
D. In a small data center, the aggregation layer can connect directly to the campus core, exchanging IP routes and MAC address tables. 
Answer: C

What three primary sources of information are needed to perform a network audit? (Choose three.) 
A. existing documentation 
B. new documentation 
C. existing network management software 
D. new network management tools 
E. management personnel 
F. technical personnel 
Answer: A,C,D

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