Passtcert Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf
Passtcert can make you feel at ease, because we have a lot of Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf with high quality, coverage of the outline and pertinence, which will bring you a lot of help. You won't regret to choose Passtcert, it can help you build your dream career.Juniper JN0-680 exam candidates all know the Juniper JN0-680 exam is not easy to pass. But it is also the only way to success, so they have to choose it. In order to improve the value of your career, you must pass this certification exam.
After all, this is an authoritative test to inspect the computer professional knowledge and information technology ability. In order to pass the Juniper certificationJN0-680 exam, generally, many people need to spend a lot of time and effort to review. Nowadays in this talented society IT professionals are very popular, but the IT area are also very competitive. So many IT professionals through passing difficult IT certification exams to stabilize themselves.
So if you have a goal, then come true it courageously. Pass the Juniper JN0-680 exam is a competition. If you passed the exam, then you will have a brighter future. Passtcert can provide you with the true and accurate Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf to help you pass the exam. And then you can achieve your ideal.Maybe on other web sites or books, you can also see the related training materials. But as long as you compare Passtcert Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf with theirs, you will find that our product has a broader coverage of the certification exam's outline.
Share some JNCIP-DC JN0-680 exam questions and answers below.
You are implementing a Virtual Chassis using QFX5100s and EX4300s in your data center.In this scenario, which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)
A. Only 10GbE VCP connections can be used between the QFX5100s and the EX4300s.
B. The QFX5100 devices cannot assume the line card role in the Virtual Chassis.
C. Some hardware capabilities are limited by the capabilities of the EX4300 switches.
D. The EX4300 devices can only assume a line card role in the Virtual Chassis.
Answer: C,D
You have deployed a multicast server attached to a QFX5100 Series device serving as a VTEP.Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. By default, the QFX5100 will send copies of the multicast packets to all locally attached devices in the same VLAN.
B. By default, the QFX5100 will send copies of the multicast packets to locally attached devices in the same VLAN that are interested receivers only.
C. By default, the QFX5100 will encapsulate the multicast packets in VXLAN and forward them to all remotely connected VTEPs.
D. By default, the QFX5100 will encapsulate the multicast packets in VXLAN and forward them to remotely connected VTEPs with interested receives only.
Answer: A,C
A customer notices that all traffic is traveling over a single link within their partially meshed IP Fabric using IBGP. While troubleshooting, the customer notices that the configuration is missing a configuration parameter.Which parameter would the customer use to solve this problem?
A. accept-remote-nexthop
B. advertise-peer-as
C. add-path
D. multihop
Answer: C
If JN0-680 exam objectives change, The Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf Passtcert provided will follow the change. Passtcert know the needs of each candidate, we will help you through your JN0-680 exam certification. We help each candidate to pass the exam with best price and highest quality.JN0-680 exam is a Juniper certification exam and IT professionals who have passed some JNCIP-DC certification exams are popular in IT industry. So more and more people participate in JN0-680 certification exam, but JN0-680 certification exam is not very simple.
After all, this is an authoritative test to inspect the computer professional knowledge and information technology ability. In order to pass the Juniper certificationJN0-680 exam, generally, many people need to spend a lot of time and effort to review. Nowadays in this talented society IT professionals are very popular, but the IT area are also very competitive. So many IT professionals through passing difficult IT certification exams to stabilize themselves.
So if you have a goal, then come true it courageously. Pass the Juniper JN0-680 exam is a competition. If you passed the exam, then you will have a brighter future. Passtcert can provide you with the true and accurate Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf to help you pass the exam. And then you can achieve your ideal.Maybe on other web sites or books, you can also see the related training materials. But as long as you compare Passtcert Juniper JNCIP-DC JN0-680 questions answers pdf with theirs, you will find that our product has a broader coverage of the certification exam's outline.
Share some JNCIP-DC JN0-680 exam questions and answers below.
You are implementing a Virtual Chassis using QFX5100s and EX4300s in your data center.In this scenario, which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)
A. Only 10GbE VCP connections can be used between the QFX5100s and the EX4300s.
B. The QFX5100 devices cannot assume the line card role in the Virtual Chassis.
C. Some hardware capabilities are limited by the capabilities of the EX4300 switches.
D. The EX4300 devices can only assume a line card role in the Virtual Chassis.
Answer: C,D
You have deployed a multicast server attached to a QFX5100 Series device serving as a VTEP.Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. By default, the QFX5100 will send copies of the multicast packets to all locally attached devices in the same VLAN.
B. By default, the QFX5100 will send copies of the multicast packets to locally attached devices in the same VLAN that are interested receivers only.
C. By default, the QFX5100 will encapsulate the multicast packets in VXLAN and forward them to all remotely connected VTEPs.
D. By default, the QFX5100 will encapsulate the multicast packets in VXLAN and forward them to remotely connected VTEPs with interested receives only.
Answer: A,C
A customer notices that all traffic is traveling over a single link within their partially meshed IP Fabric using IBGP. While troubleshooting, the customer notices that the configuration is missing a configuration parameter.Which parameter would the customer use to solve this problem?
A. accept-remote-nexthop
B. advertise-peer-as
C. add-path
D. multihop
Answer: C

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